Been a while since i put up some ought to have porcelain stuffs.Well today i am just doing that.Some sunday special porcelain items for the attention of all PAM( Porcelain Association Malaya)members.I would like to proudly present 2 pcs of 10 inch oval " mangkuk nasi tambah",Made In Japan under the brand name "MARUKOH"( no cousin to muruku).In mint unused old stock condition.Wild roses is the theme on the item.View the picture to appreciate.
Next up will the "SIKU" SAKURA cup and saucers.Unused old stock in mint condition.Full set of 6 cups and 6 saucers.I almost got "siku ed" by someone while buying this full set.Lucky me.
This "siku" sakura set would certainly compliment the Teko Aladin siku in your collection.
As such the number to dial is 017-5232979 for booking and info.
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