Greetings.Todays n3 will be short koz masih exhausted plus esok working .So mari kita lihat jualan langsung untuk hari ini.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sugarpots,a creamer and the loner
Posted by wan at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Mix Bag
Greetings and apologies alike to all my frens for going "underground"yesterday.It was indeed a hectic day with lots of running around.Today is no different but then life is such, so its up to us to make the necessary changes.Kalau kita mahu satu perubahan berlaku ,kita perlu berusaha dengan terbaik untuk ianya berlaku.Tanpa usaha keadaan akan tetap seperti biasa.So i m trying a new approach in my pengurusan masa.Hope i do good.Lets leave it at that and get down to business.
Its a mix bag today.No teapots, sugarpots,creamers or gravyboats.View.
Posted by wan at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Black Beauty
First it was yellow, then the pink twins and today i give you the black beauty.view.
Posted by wan at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pretty Twins
Posted by wan at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Yellow aint Mellow!
Greetings my frens.I m back home in Penang after being away for a few days.A bit exhausted because of the journey and many pitstops along the way.The final pitstop was at MemoryLane Flea market or also known as Lokin to the locals in ipoh.I was totally amazed to see the number of people selling porcelain items at this famous fleamarket.Porcelain Fever i guess.Did some shopping myself and bought a german made alarm clock and a few aerated water glasses.Enough said.Lets get down to business.Up for sale is as follows
Posted by wan at 5:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Yellow and Blue
Posted by wan at 5:54 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
More Photographs

Posted by wan at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Smile Please!
Its my 2nd n3 for the day and would like to share part of my photo collection.A picture paints a thousand words.As such just sit back and view the pictures from the good old times.

Posted by wan at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Teko Aladin Dragon
Salam and morning folks.Hari ini dapat blog pada waktu pagi sejak sekian lama koz its my off day.Its also the the time to kemas-kemas stuffs found or brought by runners.Misplaced items get a homecoming of sorts and the extra space is most welcoming as the store is packed to the brim.Nevertheless lets get down to business.For sale to day is a Teko Aladin Dragon.Made in Japan.view please.
Posted by wan at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Friday i'm in love!
Greetings.Remember the catchy number by The Cure in the 80s? its a evergreen number so i m using it as my tittle for this n3 plus i m off on saturday and sunday,thats why i m in love!heheheh
As for todays spread, i would to share some of the things which i fancy and collect.I do have some xtra pieces and if u like any one of them, u can have it for a price.Lets view then.
Posted by wan at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
More PLO finds
Greeting.Firstly PLO does not stand for the Palestin Liberation Organization.It stands for Pak Long Omar.Yeap he told me that.He is obviously in the same league with Afdlin and Harith.Nevertheless lets view futher finds at PLO's joint.
Posted by wan at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Salam.Mohon maaf kepada semua rakan blogger/collector/runner/dealer yang telah cuba menghubungi saya sejak dua hari yang lepas dan tidak mendapat response/maklumbalas dari saya.Kat shoutbox pun ada kak nannie and kak azzah punya msg pun tak bls.
Begini kisahnya.Pada hari ahad yg lepas abang ipar terpaksa menjalani operation untuk hernia.Operation mengikut kata doktor minor aje tapi abg ipar saya ni ada masalah nerve dan kencing manis so ader sedikit komplikasi as such dari 1 hari menjadi 4 hari yang panjang dan penuh debar.Lewat petang tadi baru he was discharged.Obviously i had to do a lot of running around koz kakak saya surirumah sepenuh masa dan cannot drive.So it was practically Hospital-house-pick up anak saudara-waiting punya routine.Orang umah pulak demam dan
Talipon pulak buat practically it was offline untuk 2 hari.Dugaan.
Truly sorry pada semua.MOHON MAAF BEBANYAK.Barang pun banyak lom pos tapi esok 2 kotak will be shipped.1 ke ipoh dan 1 ke subang.To both buyers.Honestly sorry for the late delivery.till then.peace be upon you.
Posted by wan at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Nostalgia Pak Long Omar
Tajuk entry pun oldschool kali ni dan dedicated to Pak Long Omar.I met the genial grandad recently by chance at a stall.The cerita kedai kopi was a rancak one and topik pun silih berganti.Pak Long Omar happen to be one heck of a friendly guy and had me in stitches with tales from the yesteryears.To cut the story short,topik kegemaran pun pop up."Pak Long ada simpan ...........?
A date was agreed and we met up at his place.The resulting "korek" session was very eventful, mainly becoz of the late Mak Long punya koleksi.According to Pak Long, his late misus loved collecting but none of their children seemed interested to follow suit."Depa suka collect DUIT ! " pak long omar confirmed.heheheheh
Apparently they(3sons) were successful biznizmen in their own right.Anyway macam-macam dapat, coinbox england, 1930s photos,old magazines and books,signage dan semestinya porcelain items.Labu Kaca macam Ezany(Ezany Galleria) pun ada.Tapi untuk hari ini sempat 3 pics ajer.Lets view.
Posted by wan at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March On!
Time certainly flies! we are in the 3rd month of year and things are speeding up a bit.Dont u think so? how about the current heatwave? PANASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! but then thats life .You gain some and you lose some.With regards to that.I did gain a very much sought after porcelain item a couple of days back.I am still undecided how to go about it.Many collectors would love to have this piece in their precious collection.The problem is i only have a single piece.So macammana ya?
As its still undecided.The item remains under a very famous pair of lock and key.View please
Posted by wan at 3:33 AM 1 comments