Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nostalgia Pak Long Omar

Tajuk entry pun oldschool kali ni dan dedicated to Pak Long Omar.I met the genial grandad recently by chance at a stall.The cerita kedai kopi was a rancak one and topik pun silih berganti.Pak Long Omar happen to be one heck of a friendly guy and had me in stitches with tales from the yesteryears.To cut the story short,topik kegemaran pun pop up."Pak Long ada simpan ...........?

A date was agreed  and  we met up at his place.The  resulting "korek"  session was very eventful, mainly becoz of the late Mak Long punya koleksi.According to Pak Long, his late misus loved collecting but none of their children seemed interested  to follow suit."Depa suka collect DUIT ! " pak long omar confirmed.heheheheh

Apparently they(3sons) were successful biznizmen in their own right.Anyway macam-macam dapat, coinbox england, 1930s photos,old magazines and books,signage dan semestinya porcelain items.Labu Kaca macam Ezany(Ezany Galleria) pun ada.Tapi untuk hari ini sempat 3 pics ajer.Lets view.

Pic 1
Bunga apa? i dont honestly dont know.Condition baik 6 cawan dan 6 piring.

Pic 2
Rosa Meakin( chop pink rosa-made in England)

Pic 3
Rose Hijau Creamer -Made in China

Further info/booking - sms/call 017-5232979.Till then ,take care and keep happy